Here i have edited my photos so that they appear better on the front of my magazine, i used various sites on the internet like Pixlr and Ipiccy to edit them using tools to get rid of spots or redness, adjust the brightness and contrast or to change the colour of the image completely to something like black and white or sepia, I have decided to use the black and white image on my front cover as I think it will look good and it will fit in with my colour scheme well, also as there is a lot of white on the page it will allow me to use black writing around the face and bright colours on the darker areas such as red or yellow
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Photo editing
Here i have edited my photos so that they appear better on the front of my magazine, i used various sites on the internet like Pixlr and Ipiccy to edit them using tools to get rid of spots or redness, adjust the brightness and contrast or to change the colour of the image completely to something like black and white or sepia, I have decided to use the black and white image on my front cover as I think it will look good and it will fit in with my colour scheme well, also as there is a lot of white on the page it will allow me to use black writing around the face and bright colours on the darker areas such as red or yellow
Evaluation of photos
Taking my photos I was able to develop my understanding of some of the features that create a good photo, like lighting, props, facial expressions, body language and costume, all these things are extremely important when it comes to taking photos
I made sure that my model was looking at the camera in all of the pictures I will be using as it engages the audience more with the magazine and also attracts more attention as people will be making eye contact with the model, I also made sure my model had a serious facial expression, as this sets the tone of the magazine and portrays its elements by setting the mood of the magazine. I followed my photo planning sheet as much as possible so that my photos came out to my satisfaction and how I had planned
By getting my model to wear different clothes also allowed me to change the genre of artist my magazine would be about which would change the audience and elements of the article altogether, the use of props such as the glasses and hat also allowed me to do this further
Most of the angles of my shots are straight on as I feel this is a simple and effective angle that allows you to capture them in detail and is not hard to capture. Most of my shots are midshots, this allows you to be close enough to see their face and expressions in detail but also allows you to see there clothes and the background, by using a plain background there are no distractions letting all the focus be on the model
In future photo shoots I will be experimenting with different angles and how they will effect the outcome of the picture, I will also be using many different backgrounds and will be going to many different locations to take my pictures
Thursday, 12 December 2013
Fickr account
By creating a Flickr account and adding my photos to it I am able to take a lots of photos and but them on the internet so I can easily go on and choose the ones I will be using, I will be adding more photos to my Flickr of different people so I can show a variety of artists in my magazine, having a large amount of photos on Flickr also allows me to use the photos from the same shoot for my front cover, double page spread, contents and full page advert if I need to as well as me being able to do many different shoots for each feature of my magazine
Link to Flickr:
Link to Flickr:
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Photo planning checklist
Things that I need to consider:
- Type of shot/angle
- Facial expression
- Body language
- Colour scheme
- Lighting
- background
- How the shot/model is being portrayed
- Props
- Costume
- Models positioning
- Colour effects (editing)
- Equipment used (the quality of the camera)
When taking my photos I will make sure that I take all of these conventions into consideration as they all contribute to a well planned professional photo shoot, all of these things will help me produce high quality photos that will make my magazine stand out to customers
Monday, 9 December 2013
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
In this mood board I have shown the types of things that will be in my magazine and what type of things it will feature, these things things will be shown through my front cover, contents, double page spread and full page advert. I have included many different companies that vary in product that could possibly sponsor my magazine, if my magazine was sponsored by a well known, big brand it would the reputation of my magazine. All these things on the mood board are either related to music or forms of media or are relevant to the magazine
The rule of thirds
The rule of thirds
this is when an image is broken down into lines of 3 horizontally and vertically, with all together 9 parts, you do this in your mind through your view finder or in the LCD display on your camera, this is also useful when it comes to editing you photo later on after you've taken it, many post production editing tools that have good cropping and reframing that fit within the rule of thirds and will allow you to use it
The grid identifies 4 important parts when framing your image, it also gives you 4 lines which are important for positioning your image
Placing someones eyes when taking a picture of them on one of the lines automatically make their eyes the natural point of focus. Also, placing someone off center on one of the intercepting lines with an object next to them will allow there to be 2 points of interest. Another good technique is when you are taking a landscape photo is to have the horizon level with one of the lines, preferably the top one as it lets you see both halves of the photo well
When learning to use the rule of thirds, there are 2 important things you need to think about:

this is when an image is broken down into lines of 3 horizontally and vertically, with all together 9 parts, you do this in your mind through your view finder or in the LCD display on your camera, this is also useful when it comes to editing you photo later on after you've taken it, many post production editing tools that have good cropping and reframing that fit within the rule of thirds and will allow you to use it
The grid identifies 4 important parts when framing your image, it also gives you 4 lines which are important for positioning your image
Placing someones eyes when taking a picture of them on one of the lines automatically make their eyes the natural point of focus. Also, placing someone off center on one of the intercepting lines with an object next to them will allow there to be 2 points of interest. Another good technique is when you are taking a landscape photo is to have the horizon level with one of the lines, preferably the top one as it lets you see both halves of the photo well
When learning to use the rule of thirds, there are 2 important things you need to think about:
- What are the points of interest in the shot
- Where are you intentionally placing them
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Photo shoot plan
for my photo shoot I want the person to be standing looking at the camera, or sitting down looking at the camera, if they are standing up it will be a mid shot of them from about the waist upwards so that the reader can see their face clearly, when I take some pictures of the person sitting down I want to show their whole body with them looking at camera, the reader will still be able to see there face and eyes clearly, but this will also allow me to show the background more as well. The shoot will be well lit up so that readers are able to see them easily but also so that they can see what clothes they are wearing, their facial expression will be serious as this will set the mood of the magazine and will show the audience its serious and of good quality. They will be male also as this could fit into the genre of being a hip hop artist or being a indie artist as there are more of these artists in those genres that are male. I would like my shot to be out doors in an urban location, so that not to much attention is diverted to the background
Monday, 2 December 2013
Sunday, 1 December 2013
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Questionnaire results analysis
21 out of the 25 people I asked were aged between 15 and 24, with 3 being below 15 and one being 45+, I want to aim it at young people because they are in to the latest music and are up to date with new styles/genres of music and new bands/artists. This is the age group my magazine will be aimed
Even though my questionnaire was answered by more males, I will be aiming it at both males and females as both listen to the same types of music. My magazine will be covering mixed genres of music, ensuring both males and females will be able to read about there prefered music genre
All of the people who answered my questionnaire except one are in Group E of the JICNAR scale, this is because most of the people I asked are students, this question has helped me a lot when it comes to thinking about the price of my magazine, as many young people in this group are not working and cannot afford as many expensive products
12 out of 25 people said they do not read music magazines, this is important for me to know as I did not expect the number to be so low, this gives me the chance to create a brand new, exciting magazine that will make those numbers go up as there is a gap in the market for new customers
The only magazines people said that they read are NME, Q and Vibe (only one person read Vibe). Out of the 3 NME and Q were by far the most popular, this lets me know that the people who answered my questionnaire are in to all sorts of music and also listen to new, established and well known artists, this is good news for me as my magazine will cover all different types of music and artists
Giving the options daily, weekly and monthly, monthly came up the most with 9 people however 8 said that they don't read them in any of those time periods, this lets me know that they are not popular with everyone and only some people actually read them, 3 people said they read them daily, these people are most likely reading different brands of music magazine as music mags tend to come out every week or are only reading parts of the magazine daily and not the whole thing
For this many people chose more than one genre of music, which immediately tells me a mixed genre music mag would be most popular, however the two genres of R&B and Hip hop/rap still stood out compared to the other genres, this tells me that these two genres of music are still the most popular and that even though my magazines will be mixed it should go into more depth in those genres and should possibly be centered around them, it has also made me re-think my entire mag and that maybe i should do a mag just about one of those genres as they are the most popular
For this many people chose more than one, the most common price people would pay was £2 to £3 but with high numbers also only willing to pay prices below that, it is clear to me that people are not willing to spend a lot on a music mag and that my price needs to be low to sell, this is also linked to the age of the people answering the questionnaire as i said before they will not have a lot of money, my magazine could advertise a cheaper subscription fee offering a cheaper price all together
For this many people chose more than one, these all had mixed responses with similar numbers for each thing, besides with the brand and the artists in the mag, which received a lot of responses, this will help me when i construct my magazine, as I will make sure to concentrate on all of these aspects of the magazine, making sure they are all good enough for my reader to pick up on them, the brand of the music mag having the most responses also lets me know that people will choose a music magazine brand and stick to it, this means I will have to make my magazine to a high quality so that people will keep buying it, gaining the buyers trust that they know their buying a quality music mag
Image 1 in all of these pages received the most responses by a lot on each one, this makes it obvious that people prefer 1 large image that catches there attention but also keeps there attention, letting them concentrate on it as there is no other image on the page to distract them, this will be important when choosing the layout of my magazine as it will help me think of the sizes of the images on the page and also the quantity of images on the page, the people answering my questionnaire also preferred less words on the page as well, letting me know they prefer short pieces of writing that attract there attention drawing them into the image
The most responded answer was up and coming artists followed by established, this is probably because it was a younger audience who listen to newer, younger artists, this is important as now know to include mostly new or established artists to get more people to buy the magazine
All of the genres got fairly even responses, the category 'mixed' a lot more however, this shows that people want to see a varied magazine representing all different types of music, giving them a balanced magazine with all of the most popular genres in, this will be important for my target audience, it will allow me to aim it all different types of people who are in to different things
21 out of the 25 people I asked were aged between 15 and 24, with 3 being below 15 and one being 45+, I want to aim it at young people because they are in to the latest music and are up to date with new styles/genres of music and new bands/artists. This is the age group my magazine will be aimed
Even though my questionnaire was answered by more males, I will be aiming it at both males and females as both listen to the same types of music. My magazine will be covering mixed genres of music, ensuring both males and females will be able to read about there prefered music genre
All of the people who answered my questionnaire except one are in Group E of the JICNAR scale, this is because most of the people I asked are students, this question has helped me a lot when it comes to thinking about the price of my magazine, as many young people in this group are not working and cannot afford as many expensive products
12 out of 25 people said they do not read music magazines, this is important for me to know as I did not expect the number to be so low, this gives me the chance to create a brand new, exciting magazine that will make those numbers go up as there is a gap in the market for new customers
The only magazines people said that they read are NME, Q and Vibe (only one person read Vibe). Out of the 3 NME and Q were by far the most popular, this lets me know that the people who answered my questionnaire are in to all sorts of music and also listen to new, established and well known artists, this is good news for me as my magazine will cover all different types of music and artists
Giving the options daily, weekly and monthly, monthly came up the most with 9 people however 8 said that they don't read them in any of those time periods, this lets me know that they are not popular with everyone and only some people actually read them, 3 people said they read them daily, these people are most likely reading different brands of music magazine as music mags tend to come out every week or are only reading parts of the magazine daily and not the whole thing
For this many people chose more than one genre of music, which immediately tells me a mixed genre music mag would be most popular, however the two genres of R&B and Hip hop/rap still stood out compared to the other genres, this tells me that these two genres of music are still the most popular and that even though my magazines will be mixed it should go into more depth in those genres and should possibly be centered around them, it has also made me re-think my entire mag and that maybe i should do a mag just about one of those genres as they are the most popular
For this many people chose more than one, the most common price people would pay was £2 to £3 but with high numbers also only willing to pay prices below that, it is clear to me that people are not willing to spend a lot on a music mag and that my price needs to be low to sell, this is also linked to the age of the people answering the questionnaire as i said before they will not have a lot of money, my magazine could advertise a cheaper subscription fee offering a cheaper price all together
For this many people chose more than one, these all had mixed responses with similar numbers for each thing, besides with the brand and the artists in the mag, which received a lot of responses, this will help me when i construct my magazine, as I will make sure to concentrate on all of these aspects of the magazine, making sure they are all good enough for my reader to pick up on them, the brand of the music mag having the most responses also lets me know that people will choose a music magazine brand and stick to it, this means I will have to make my magazine to a high quality so that people will keep buying it, gaining the buyers trust that they know their buying a quality music mag
Image 1 in all of these pages received the most responses by a lot on each one, this makes it obvious that people prefer 1 large image that catches there attention but also keeps there attention, letting them concentrate on it as there is no other image on the page to distract them, this will be important when choosing the layout of my magazine as it will help me think of the sizes of the images on the page and also the quantity of images on the page, the people answering my questionnaire also preferred less words on the page as well, letting me know they prefer short pieces of writing that attract there attention drawing them into the image
The most responded answer was up and coming artists followed by established, this is probably because it was a younger audience who listen to newer, younger artists, this is important as now know to include mostly new or established artists to get more people to buy the magazine
All of the genres got fairly even responses, the category 'mixed' a lot more however, this shows that people want to see a varied magazine representing all different types of music, giving them a balanced magazine with all of the most popular genres in, this will be important for my target audience, it will allow me to aim it all different types of people who are in to different things
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Brand name ideas for my music magazine
- Pulse
- Sound wave
- Fresh
- Legend
- Rhythm
- Beats
- Chronic
- Haze
- MM (music matters)
- Curve
- Tunes
Monday, 11 November 2013
Analysis of Q and XXL
Analysis of Q
-brand identity and
brand values
magazines brand identity is very similar in each on issue of the magazine, on
most of their front covers there is a main image that draws the most attention,
with other images that are smaller or that are in the background of the main
image, there magazines are very image dominated as well as the big red logo taking
up quite a lot of the page. Their front covers are neat and organised,
featuring big names on each front cover to attract readers with many interviews
advertised on the front as well to attract more readers
magazines brand values are that the magazine represents quality and symbolizes
a good, reliable music magazine that represents all genres of music giving you
an honest view of these genres and the artists that make the music, the
magazine is also trying to show that it’s a classy, respected magazine that
consists of youthfulness but also maturity
Analysis of XXL
-brand identity and
brand values
magazines brand identity, like Q magazine, is similar in each issue of the
magazine, there is a frequent colour scheme of white and black with the red of
the logo, their magazines only feature one artist on the front, this is the
artist that issue of the magazine is mainly about, the image of the artist
takes up a large portion of the page as this is what they want the reader to
look at, the headline is always the name of the artists as in the biggest font,
the font isn't always the same on the front covers, but tends to be to be the
same throughout many issues. There are some random colours that are not part of
the house style, these are normally the colours of the clothes the artist is
wearing, these colours stand out as the background is usually black or white
magazines brand values are obvious in that it mainly covers black artists that
make hip hop music, the magazine paints a picture of the type of way this genre
of music is perceived and how they want you to perceive it. It is portrayed as
being a cool magazine that shows edge, excitement and vibrancy, but still has that quality feel and look about it
Brand values and brand identity
Brand Values and Brand Identity
Brand Value: These are things that the brand
symbolizes and what the brand is signifying and represents
Brand identity: This
is the way all the visual appearances and elements of a product impact and
characterize the brand of a certain company to the target audience. In magazines there are many elements that assemble their magazines, including Fonts, the use
of photography, and the magazines house style, size of images or words and the different colours used
The brand identity of
my magazine will be very modern and sophisticated, it will stand out as it will
be different, but we still be targeted at all types of people and ages of 16+.
There will be a lot of images on the page; almost all of the cover will be
occupied by imagery. The focal point will be the headline with all attention on
that as well as the main image
The brand values of
my magazine will be that it will show quality and originality it will look at
many well known old artist and many established artists, focusing on their
lives and past music they've made and new music their making
Target audience of my magazine
Target audience research
will be using many different types of genres of music in my magazine. It will
be similar to Q magazine in this way and will also be similar in the fact that
it will have a neat layout on each front cover and inside the magazine, and
using different genres will attract a wider audience. The artist will be well
known and mainstream and the magazine will be aimed ages 16+, it will include
interesting stories not just of the artists, but of festival highlights, album
releases and merchandise of the artists. It will include many successful artists
like Eminem and Lady Gaga, this is because people who like these artists
idolize them and if I include them it will attract a wider audience, my
magazine will also include upcoming bands and new artists, which will get them
more well known and will also get the magazine well known, It will be aimed at
both females and Males, being varied each week between Male and Female artists
in each magazine representing all different genres of music
Planned photo shoot
photo shoot
I am going to take the pictures of these
people in front of a plain background so that all the attention in on the
person in the photo and so that there is nothing in the back ground that could
be a stronger colour than the persons clothing. For my contents page I plan to have one photo with the rest of the
page consisting of information. The photo will be a group of lads in year 11 on
a school trip, it will be sunny and they will look as if they are enjoying
themselves showing people reading the magazine they are having a good time,
hopefully making readers will want to go
Monday, 21 October 2013
Monday, 14 October 2013
Evaluation of magazine cover
I believe that my magazine looks very professional, I have included many conventions that are needed to create a good magazine, I used a picture to take up the whole of my magazine cover this allows people to focus on the magazine more and as its of someones face there attention is drawn straight to his eyes. My masthead was made using fireworks and has filters on it including drop shadow and a inner bevel, it is in 2 separate colours and fonts as that looks more effective, my headline is in a big white bold font with a black banner around it. It stands out on my picture as well and is eye catching because of the white on black background contrast. I have a banner going across the bottom of the page showing news about the magazine in a cartoon style, eye catching font, this also has many filters on including sharpen, drop shadow, inner bevel and glow. My magazine also includes a visual syntax as the masthead ends the reader looks at the picture mainly at the eyes and follows it down to the headline
Conventions, audience and content of my magazine
The conventions of my magazine will be a
masthead to let the audience know what my magazine is called this will be the
largest font, I will have a bold headline to draw attention to my magazine, and
this will be something that students and parents are both concerned so it will
catch the eye of a wider audience
My magazine cover will have a picture taking
up the entire background that is surrounded by cover lines letting the reader
know the other articles in the magazine these will also have features below
them to lure the reader in giving them an insight on the topics inside the
magazine, the magazine will keep a house style of red, black and white so that
the audience is able to recognize it, there will be a banner across the bottom
to attract attention, it will be red with white text on it, so that it is easy to read and this
also stays in colour with the house style
The layout of the magazine cover will be well
organised and professional; there will be a strap line below my head line to
give more information on the main topic, drop shadows will be used to make text
stand out over the picture and banners
The audience of my magazine will consist of
mainly students because it will tell them important information like deadlines
and exam days/results, revision classes and things like after school clubs and
things that school are doing general, it will also be aimed at parents letting
them know what their kids school is doing and also letting them know the
important deadlines so that they can keep on top of their kids homework and
The content of my magazines will be important things like exam
dates/results, extracurricular programmes like envision, 6th form
news, revisions classes, it will also include interviews with students and
members of staff, trips, clubs and information on lessons, PB radio,
school/year council
Magazine cover analysis
Sans serif, bold, bright colour on a white
background making it stand out, all capitals
The colour scheme on the front of this
magazine of red, white and blue and gold with some of the writing in black as
well, the colours go with the masthead and appeal to the reader, the bright
colour of red is eye catching a draws your attention to the magazine when it is
The use of pull quotes has been used on this front cover giving a quote from
Tyler the Creator saying “I DONT GIVE A SH*T ABOUT A ROYAL WEDDING” to some
readers and also fans of Tyler this would be amusing. It is eye catching being
wrote in a bold sans serif font in black on a white background and is also one
of the first things the eye is drawn to after reading ‘TYLER THE CREATOR
There are coverlines at the bottom of the page that are shown in red and
white to separate them from one another, this also catches your eye more
because the colours go well together and they are easy to notice catching your
eye quickly, they have used big names like ‘KAYNE WEST, ARCADE FIRE and ADELE’
which would catch the eyes of fans to these particular artists, even though
this writing is eye catching it is not as big as ‘TYLER THE CREATOR’ who is the
main feature of the magazine
The headline
‘TYLER THE CREATOR’ is wrote in a large sans serif font in bright red which
very noticeable over the blue and white background which is mostly made up of
the clothing Tyler is wearing, underneath this writing is his group ‘ODD
FUTURE’ and also a strapline saying
‘ANARCHY HITS THE UK!’ this would be important new for Tyler’s fans and is
written in bold black over a back ground that consists of mostly white ’
There are more coverline on the right of the page of big band names like the ‘SEX
PISTOLS, ROLLING STONES’ and ‘THE DOORS’ which would draw the attention of the
fans of these bands, these are also a different genre of music to the artists
at the bottom which could be why they are separated attracting a completely
different range of people, like the rest of the magazine cover they are in line
with the colour scheme being wrote in a bold sans serif font in red and black
on a white background making them stand out, there is also a strapline underneath the bands, it is a
smaller font and the letters are more compact this is not as eye catching
because it will be something the reader reads after bands
The image is in the centre of the page and
is of the magazines main artist Tyler the Creator, he is wearing a crown on his
head and is holding a bouquet of flowers, this links with the pull quote on the page, his a surprised
and relaxed look on his face that suggest he doesn’t really care what people
would think of his comment, this reflects his personality and would be familiar
to fans, the images is masked over
the mast head slightly which makes
it stand out against the back it is the first thing readers look at when
viewing the cover as the headline is
written over the front of the image in a large bold font
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
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