Monday, 14 October 2013

Evaluation of magazine cover

I believe that my magazine looks very professional, I have included many conventions that are needed to create a good magazine, I used a picture to take up the whole of my magazine cover this allows people to focus on the magazine more and as its of someones face there attention is drawn straight to his eyes. My masthead was made using fireworks and has filters on it including drop shadow and a inner bevel, it is in 2 separate colours and fonts as that looks more effective, my headline is in a big white bold font with a black banner around it. It stands out on my picture as well and is eye catching because of the white on black background contrast. I have a banner going across the bottom of the page showing news about the magazine in a cartoon style, eye catching font, this also has many filters on including sharpen, drop shadow, inner bevel and glow. My magazine also includes a visual syntax as the masthead ends the reader looks at the picture mainly at the eyes and follows it down to the headline

Magazine front cover final

Magazine front cover draft

Conventions, audience and content of my magazine


The conventions of my magazine will be a masthead to let the audience know what my magazine is called this will be the largest font, I will have a bold headline to draw attention to my magazine, and this will be something that students and parents are both concerned so it will catch the eye of a wider audience
My magazine cover will have a picture taking up the entire background that is surrounded by cover lines letting the reader know the other articles in the magazine these will also have features below them to lure the reader in giving them an insight on the topics inside the magazine, the magazine will keep a house style of red, black and white so that the audience is able to recognize it, there will be a banner across the bottom to attract attention, it will be red with white text  on it, so that it is easy to read and this also stays in colour with the house style
The layout of the magazine cover will be well organised and professional; there will be a strap line below my head line to give more information on the main topic, drop shadows will be used to make text stand out over the picture and banners


The audience of my magazine will consist of mainly students because it will tell them important information like deadlines and exam days/results, revision classes and things like after school clubs and things that school are doing general, it will also be aimed at parents letting them know what their kids school is doing and also letting them know the important deadlines so that they can keep on top of their kids homework and revision 


The content of my  magazines will be important things like exam dates/results, extracurricular programmes like envision, 6th form news, revisions classes, it will also include interviews with students and members of staff, trips, clubs and information on lessons, PB radio, school/year council 

Masthead ideas

Magazine cover analysis

Masthead- Sans serif, bold, bright colour on a white background making it stand out, all capitals 
The colour scheme on the front of this magazine of red, white and blue and gold with some of the writing in black as well, the colours go with the masthead and appeal to the reader, the bright colour of red is eye catching a draws your attention to the magazine when it is seen

The use of pull quotes has been used on this front cover giving a quote from Tyler the Creator saying “I DONT GIVE A SH*T ABOUT A ROYAL WEDDING” to some readers and also fans of Tyler this would be amusing. It is eye catching being wrote in a bold sans serif font in black on a white background and is also one of the first things the eye is drawn to after reading ‘TYLER THE CREATOR

There are coverlines at the bottom of the page that are shown in red and white to separate them from one another, this also catches your eye more because the colours go well together and they are easy to notice catching your eye quickly, they have used big names like ‘KAYNE WEST, ARCADE FIRE and ADELE’ which would catch the eyes of fans to these particular artists, even though this writing is eye catching it is not as big as ‘TYLER THE CREATOR’ who is the main feature of the magazine
The headline ‘TYLER THE CREATOR’ is wrote in a large sans serif font in bright red which very noticeable over the blue and white background which is mostly made up of the clothing Tyler is wearing, underneath this writing is his group ‘ODD FUTURE’ and also a strapline saying ‘ANARCHY HITS THE UK!’ this would be important new for Tyler’s fans and is written in bold black over a back ground that consists of mostly white 

There are more coverline on the right of the page of big band names like the ‘SEX PISTOLS, ROLLING STONES’ and ‘THE DOORS’ which would draw the attention of the fans of these bands, these are also a different genre of music to the artists at the bottom which could be why they are separated attracting a completely different range of people, like the rest of the magazine cover they are in line with the colour scheme being wrote in a bold sans serif font in red and black on a white background making them stand out, there is also a strapline underneath the bands, it is a smaller font and the letters are more compact this is not as eye catching because it will be something the reader reads after bands
The image is in the centre of the page and is of the magazines main artist Tyler the Creator, he is wearing a crown on his head and is holding a bouquet of flowers, this links with the pull quote on the page, his a surprised and relaxed look on his face that suggest he doesn’t really care what people would think of his comment, this reflects his personality and would be familiar to fans, the images is masked over the mast head slightly which makes it stand out against the back it is the first thing readers look at when viewing the cover as the headline is written over the front of the image in a large bold font